Health and Safety Meetings | Womens Workwear
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Men participating in a health and safety meeting

Health and Safety Meetings

Joint Health and Safety Meetings are extremely important, to the point that they’re required by law in every Canadian Jurisdiction through CCOHS.

The only problem is, most people don’t take them that seriously.

Often times these safety meetings are seen as long, boring, and one more thing that gets jammed into a busy workday. That needs to change. We need to get more employees engaged and interested in these meetings in order to achieve the best results.

This video gives some awesome tips on how to make the most out of your safety committee meetings.

The best advice we can give is remember what these meetings are for. When attendance is low, things get off topic and it feels like nobody is listening, don’t give up. You have these meetings so that everybody can go home to their spouses, kids, friends and even pets at the end of every shift. There are tons of resources out there to help improve your health and safety meetings. Check some of our favorites out in the links below!

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