January 2020 | Womens Workwear
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The Daily Workwear

Aiming for Zero in the Oilsands

Last week Cenovus Energy announced that they were aiming to produce zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

They’re also going to reclaim hundreds of abandoned wells.

Several other oil companies have announced similar goals, and are on board to improve environmental performance, both in Canada and worldwide.

It’s no secret that the Alberta Oilsands have been the subject of controversy, especially recently.

Is the goal of having zero greenhouse gas emissions within 30 years achievable? Does more need to be done? Is this new plan for sustainability necessary?

We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions! You can always email them to us at [email protected], or you can message us through our social media pages.

Make sure to read the full story by clicking the link below


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