Heel Traction Aid | Womens Workwear
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Due North Heel Traction Aid


WARNING: Due North traction aids help give you traction on ice, snow or similar porous surfaces. However, because NO product can completely prevent a slip or fall on slippery surfaces, remember to exercise care when walking or running in Due North traction aids. Caution should also be taken when moving on any hard or polished surface such as granite or marble, on ladders, or when driving a vehicle. Use care, as these traction aids are sharp and may injure or damage flooring, surfaces, or skin. Due North traction aids are not to be used for mountaineering and/or hiking, in rocky terrain, or when the user may encounter steep up or down slopes. Due North traction aids are not designed or intended to be used on high heel footwear. This product contains latex. HTA Traction Aid- are designed for more traction when the heel comes into contact with slippery surfaces using full body weight. Walking on the ball or toe portion of the foot will not provide the intended aid.

SKU: DN-V3550470 Categories: , Tags: , Manufacturer: Due North, Surewerx


  • Convenient hook and strap with adjustment system provides a quick, easy, comfortable and secure fit on a wide variety of footwear
  • 4 Tungsten Carbide Dur North® Ice Diamond™ spikes, along with bi-directional tread provides powerful traction with maximum grip
  • Exclusive specially formulated 100% natural rubber – provides maximum flexibility & durability in extreme cold conditions
  • The flip-up position allows the operator to avoid damaging sensitive surfaces by removing the spikes from surface contact
  • Ideal for drivers, delivery personnel and machine operators where use of a full coverage traction aid may interfere with driving capabilities
  • One size fits most