Content Release Form Name* First Last Company Name Email PhoneBest method of contact* Email Phone Call Text Social Media Handles If you want us to tag you in any of our social media posts that contain your photos, write down your Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter names so that we can find you! Consent I agree to the terms and conditions.Here are the terms and conditions that apply to how we, our affiliates and others we authorize, can use your submitted content. What you get: a chance to win the prizes associated with our photo submission contest. What we get: the right to use your submitted content (whether you have already submitted the content, or will submit the content in the future, and whether or not the content was specifically requested by us), for our promotional use, in any form of media, now known or later created. You agree that: (a) you either own the content, or otherwise have the ability to grant us the right to use the content; (b) since we are relying on your ability to grant us permission to use the content, you will be responsible to us for any harm or losses we suffer, because someone else claims their rights in and to the content are infringed; (c) we do not have to compensate you any further; (d) you waive your right to approve or edit how we use your content, as well as any of your moral or personality rights in connection with your content; (e) you will not, on social media or otherwise, do or say anything that will harm our brand; (f) you will not seek any compensation from us, if you harm yourself using our merchandise in an unintended manner; and (g) you will not enter into this agreement, if you are not 18 or older. Having been provided notice of these terms, your submission of content to us, constitutes your agreement to, and your acceptance of, these terms and conditions. Δ